Eyes Covered
I want to feel on all dimensions
of feeling
I want to be submerged in deep
I want to wake my life
To be lost in the known
To be part of
That place so familiar
Where there are smiles, moments,
That real place
That “it’s alright” place
Where people say “it’s all good”
That world so proverbial
I know it sounds like home
I want to be sensed
From my hair down to my toes
I want the wind to know am there
To burn me with its harshness
Chap my lips, ash my skin
Feel me
I want the fires to put me out
The fiery anguish within me
I have known it too tong
Make me a powdery residue of my
Birth me
Uncover me eyes
Walk my feet
Feel my tips
Dry me clean
Dust me up
Color me
I want it all
I want it, everything in that
I want to dance on the water
My skirts lifted, my torso bare,
my feet wet
Let me dance
I want the water to spit me out
I have been drowning for years
My heart saturated
I cannot stand its slow slow beat
Spit me out, unholy water
Let me dance
I want you to hear the thud of my
The callousness of my sole
Beat upon you
I want to dance
Catch a rhythm
I embrace this place
Where everyone lives
With a smile and a moment
Let me, let me
Please let me live.
speechless!! even in the longing there is a sense of satisfaction...you poetry is so intrusive the way it stares up pathos that have long slumbered